Sunday, May 24, 2020
What s The Organization s Mission And How They...
The workplace is an environment many individuals have to get comfortable with and adapt to. The employees of an organization always see ongoing problems, but sometimes their superior fails to listen. I interviewed my father about his organization and asked for his thoughts on organizational cultures. Chuck William’s Principles of Management goes into detail about explaining the fundamentals of organizational cultures. William mentioned three levels of organizational culture: seen, heard, and believed. All three levels are critical to make an organization success or fail. I hope more organizations utilize this model as a key figure for their business to be successful. My father Agung Margono, currently works for an organization called Best Companion Care. Joyce Martin, the founder established the company in 1993 due to the lack of health care providers during the time. The organization is located in Pasadena, California and serves primarily the San Gabriel Valley area. The first question I asked was, â€Å"What’s the organization’s mission and how they accomplish their mission?†According to him, â€Å"The main goal of the organization is to offer health care and assisting services to those in their late years; basically help them with daily necessities to keep the patient comfortable†(Margono). For the second portion he answered, â€Å"Honestly, I think they accomplish their mission by only hiring those with a CNA (certified nurse assistant) or LVN (licensed vocational nurse) certificateShow MoreRelated1200 Words on Army Leadership1501 Words  | 7 PagesIn the army there are 3 main FM s that cover leadership. Th ey are FM 7-0, FM 7-1, and FM 6-22. The Army s definition of leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. 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Therefor go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age Matthew 28: 19-20) Mission mean sending out or assigned taskRead MoreThe Change Management Theories, Techniques, And Leadership Styles918 Words  | 4 Pages By studying the change management theories, techniques, and leadership styles to make managing changes successfully, it is necessary to attend to the wider impacts of the change. Considering the tangible impacts of change, it s important to consider the personal impact on those affected, and their journey towards working and behaving in new ways to support the change. The Change Curve is a useful model that describes the personal and organizational process of change. 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