Parchment paper writing
Topics For Cultural Anthropology Research Paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Japanese sports Essay Example For Students
Japanese games Essay Japan has numerous games. Some resemble our own and some are definitely not. Some Japanese practice hand to hand fighting. A couple of training Aikido. Aikido is an act of smooth developments. Aikido is rehearsed to clear your psyche. Judo and Karate are drilled predominantly for self protection. They require quick sharp developments. Different games incorporate baseball, ball, golf and skiing. Japans schools resemble some other school you would see here in the U. S. A. There is just a single contrast. They communicate in Japanese. In Japan, understudies go to all year school. All year school is the place they go the school throughout the entire year. Japanese children, as you can envision are most likely more brilliant than us. Japan has given the world numerous excellent things. Their way of life. , customs and impact have contacted about each part of our lives. The most appreciated, in any case, must be in their specialty, regardless of whether it is compositions, design, theaters, nurseries or verse. For a long time, Japanese artists have composed an extraordinary type of verse called Haiku. A Haiku is a short section about nature. There is consistently an uncommon example in the quantity of stanzas. The main line contains five syllables, the subsequent line contains three syllables and the third line has five. Japan has a legislature simply like our own. In Japan urban areas resemble states. There is an Emperor and there is a representative. The urban areas vote in favor of the administration. The eating regimen makes Japans laws. The eating routine comprises of the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors. The House of Councilors is comprised of 500 and eleven individuals. The House of Counselors is comprised of 200 and fifty two part. Japans most elevated court is the Supreme Court. There is a Chief of Justice who the ruler designates. At that point there are the fourteen different appointed authorities who the bureau casts a ballot in. Japans Armed Forces battle just whenever assaulted first. They keep up air to surface correspondence for self preservation. They likewise keep up various airplane, land vehicles, war vessels and losses. As you have perused Japans government is a lot of like our own. The Japanese get around like some other ordinary American. To go from nation to nation they get a plane. At the point when they need to go to a companions house they may walk, ride a bicycle or drive. The Japanese likewise use speedboats or ferrys. They travel to a variety of nations as well. Dialects Japan has numerous dialects. Some of them are Korean, English and Japanese. Japanese is the primary language. The Japanese have lived in Japan for a long time. Not long after they went to Japan they made their own language and called it Japanese. Japans Customs are totally different from our own. They have strict services and we dont have a lot of. For example one function is the New Years or Shogatsu. On January first families assemble to drink an exceptional strict shake to guarantee a long and lovely life. The business rate is 90% utilized and 10% jobless. The Japanese have employments quite recently as we do. Young people in Japan work in McDonalds and Burger King. Grown-ups work in workplaces, at schools, in auto shops and in processing plants. Work as should be obvious, was generally excellent in 1998.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Lord of the Rings the epos and the epic movie picture essays
The Lord of the Rings the epos and the epic film picture expositions After the distribution of J.R.R. Tolkiens all consuming purpose, the set of three of Middle-earth, Sunday Times saw: The world is partitioned into the individuals who have perused The Lord of the Rings and the individuals who are going to understand it. Today, as P. Jacksons epic picture The Fellowship of the Ring rules on the enormous screens everywhere throughout the planet, it would be all the more consistent with state that the world is partitioned into the individuals who have just observed the film and the individuals who are as yet remaining in lines to purchase the ticket. When looking at Tokiens showstopper and its screen adjustment you don't need to be a dream oddity to see that the two works share most trademark includes yet there are additionally focuses at which they contrast impressively. Discussing likenesses, it ought to be focused on how lucky it is that Tolkiens stupendous story has not been trivialized and diminished to a fantasy. Fortunately, in Jacksons adjustment the glorious climate of the set of three is painstakingly saved. The content has not been immaturely misrepresented, the characters regularly communicate in an honorable language of the warriors of old and, what is similarly significant, fantastic, grand music adds fundamental gravity to the crucial sparing the world from the ravenous and coldblooded hands of the Dark Lord, Sauron the Great. Furthermore, the monstrous constancy of depiction brings the film picture considerably nearer to the novel environment of Tolkiens artful culmination. In the event that the Author himself could sit down in the film and watch the untainted scene of the Shire, snow-clad pinnacles of the Misty Mountains and astonishing chasms of the Mines of Moria, he would without a doubt grin heartily and puff his preferred funnel with unconcealed delight. By and by, there are additionally a few parts of Jacksons vision of Middle-earth that would surely either dishearten or even absolutely disappoint Master Tolkien. To give some examples, he would miss indiscreet jumping and sin... <!
Monday, August 17, 2020
Turkey vs. Spam sells out
Turkey vs. Spam sells out DID YOU KNOW? This weekend is a tax holiday in Massachusetts. I sure hope my floor uses the opportunity to buy a $1000 wide-screen television set online using our floor funds! My roommate Kunal is a communications major from Bombay who dreams of one day studying at a prestigious advertising school in the United States. Because of that, Im thinking of enlisting him to help design a new banner for Turkey vs. Spamwhat do you think? Could the bunny hat use a bit of an update? Anyway, over the past few days Ive been busy designing a new television commercial for Verizon Wireless in my head. Why? Because Verizon Wireless is, in my experience, the best provider you can get at MIT, and if you look at specials on Amazon you can even get a free cell phone when you sign up for a plan. Check out my old entry on it here. As Melis said, almost everybody at MIT has a cell phone, so bringing one of your own would definitely be helpful if you dont have one already. Just to let you know, this commercial is so good that I could probably call up Verizon right now and make a million dollars. But instead Im posting it here because I wanted to show you that MIT students have tremendous creative gifts in addition to their aptitude for math and science. Thats how committed I am to MITblogging. First of all, whats the catchiest song in the entire world? Wrong, its Message in a Bottle by the Police. So, the first thing you see is a close up of this guys head as hes waking up on the beach. He has short, curly hair. He jolts up, revealing himself to be on an empty beach with no shirt on. You hear a few guitar notes, and then Just a castaway, an island lost at sea Over this music, you see the castaway look over to see his jet ski totalled against some rocks and broken into at least two pieces. He rubs his head and walks toward it. Hes digging through the wreckage and finds a small backpack, out of which he pulls a cell phone! You see a shot over from his shoulder where hes clearly looking at the cell phone contemplatively. Ill send an SMS to the world! I hope that someone gets my The next shot is of the guy hitting Send on his cell phone. Hes sending a message to Stephanie from Jason that says Shipwreck! Help! 143. Or something like that, we could work out the details with the actors. Anyway, Stephanie is in a kind of large speedboat with her friend, who doesnt have a name but is also wearing a red bikini. You see Stephanie get the message, clap her hand to her face in panic, yell something back to her friend, and drive off, just as you get to the quiet, mysterious part message in a bottle, yeah. In an earlier draft I had made it message in a mobile, yeah but I decided that was a little tacky. So as they speed off, the camera zooms in suddenly and kind of campily on Stephanies nameless friend, whos sending a text message from her phone. And as she hits send, The Police kick in with: Sending out an SMS! Sending out an SMS! The camera does some kind of weird retro pan effect (okay, I didnt go to film school, Im just selling a concept here) to another young guy whos getting the text message. Then he sends another one to a guy and a girl on the beach, who send one to a guy in front of a palm tree, and so oneach one to the rhythm of the music, with the same weird retro pan effect. They all look very heroic as they send their text messages, and wield their cell phones almost like weapons. Then cut back to the beach, where Stephanie and her nameless friend are leading an line of boats at the beach of a desert island. Its nighttime, and theres a campfire set up. The camera pulls back a little to reveal Jason standing there in the extreme foreground. Meanwhile, some of the friends are grabbing coolers and stereos from out of their boat. And then Sting is standing there by the campfire with all these young people dancing around him in the background, playing beach volleyball, etc. And Sting says, You can be sure that theyll get your SMS with Verizon Wirelesss global network, proven to have a larger coverage area and fewer dropped calls than any other carrier! I dont know if thats true, but it would make the commercial a lot better. And then theres a long shot of the beach with everybody partying and enjoying themselves, while the soundtrack just keeps repeating Sending out an SMS! Sending out an SMS! And now every time you hear The Police, you will want to buy a Verizon cell phone. Or read my blog. Im in Italy until next Wednesday, so youll just have to find something to talk about until then.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
What s The Organization s Mission And How They...
The workplace is an environment many individuals have to get comfortable with and adapt to. The employees of an organization always see ongoing problems, but sometimes their superior fails to listen. I interviewed my father about his organization and asked for his thoughts on organizational cultures. Chuck William’s Principles of Management goes into detail about explaining the fundamentals of organizational cultures. William mentioned three levels of organizational culture: seen, heard, and believed. All three levels are critical to make an organization success or fail. I hope more organizations utilize this model as a key figure for their business to be successful. My father Agung Margono, currently works for an organization called Best Companion Care. Joyce Martin, the founder established the company in 1993 due to the lack of health care providers during the time. The organization is located in Pasadena, California and serves primarily the San Gabriel Valley area. The first question I asked was, â€Å"What’s the organization’s mission and how they accomplish their mission?†According to him, â€Å"The main goal of the organization is to offer health care and assisting services to those in their late years; basically help them with daily necessities to keep the patient comfortable†(Margono). For the second portion he answered, â€Å"Honestly, I think they accomplish their mission by only hiring those with a CNA (certified nurse assistant) or LVN (licensed vocational nurse) certificateShow MoreRelated1200 Words on Army Leadership1501 Words  | 7 PagesIn the army there are 3 main FM s that cover leadership. Th ey are FM 7-0, FM 7-1, and FM 6-22. The Army s definition of leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. 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Therefor go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age Matthew 28: 19-20) Mission mean sending out or assigned taskRead MoreThe Change Management Theories, Techniques, And Leadership Styles918 Words  | 4 Pages By studying the change management theories, techniques, and leadership styles to make managing changes successfully, it is necessary to attend to the wider impacts of the change. Considering the tangible impacts of change, it s important to consider the personal impact on those affected, and their journey towards working and behaving in new ways to support the change. The Change Curve is a useful model that describes the personal and organizational process of change. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
David Foster Wallace s Kenyon Commencement Address
In David Foster Wallace’s Kenyon Commencement Address, he uses this question, â€Å"What is water?†to illustrate to the graduates that some of the most obvious realities are hardest to see. Wallace uses this question to draw attention to his main purposes, how we choose to think about and see the world around us and simple awareness. Wallace argues that the world has become self-centered and tries to show us that an education is about more than just the knowledge gained, but about the awareness and being well-adjusted that helps you find your purpose in life. The way he presents the purpose of his paper in the form of relatable anecdotes instead of lecturing at the graduates, keeps them engaged and familiar with what he is saying. He is effective in making his speech easy to relate to and understand through his use of anecdotes, tone, emotional appeals and word choice. He is able to appeal to ethos by making the graduates think about how they go about living their everyday life. By giving them a personal example of how he used tom or sometimes still does, think, they can see that they are not alone in how they see the world. â€Å"This is not a matter of virtue. It’s a matter of my choosing to do the work of somehow altering or getting free of my natural, hard-wired default setting which is to be deeply and literally self-centered and to see and interpret everything through this lens of self.†He uses the self-centeredness of society to demonstrate that he was able to changeShow MoreRelatedFree Choice Of The Will By David Foster Wallace1899 Words  | 8 Pagesfocus to and choose what we worship. Augustine in the book On Free Choice of the Will, writes about the different types of goods and how are decisions are based on desire of those goods. David Foster Wallace also focuses on our decisions being based on what we worship in t he â€Å"Kenyon College Commencement Address†. A fulfilling and happy life is only achieved by making the right decisions, which is achieve by putting priority on the right desires. Augustine in the book On Free Choice of the Will,Read MoreFree Choice Of The Will By David Foster Wallace1873 Words  | 8 Pagesfocus on and choose what we worship. Augustine in the book On Free Choice of the Will, writes about the different types of goods and how are decisions are based on desire of those goods. David Foster Wallace also focuses on our decisions being based on what we worship in the â€Å"Kenyon College Commencement Address†. A fulfilling and happy life is only achieved by making the right decisions, which is achieved by putting a priority on the right desires. Augustine in the book On Free Choice of the WillRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pagestheir wives (Kevin and Dawn, Robert and Sally) and their children (Ryan, Carly, Connor and Lauren). C.F.G. â€Å"We must not cease from exploration and the end of all exploring will be to arrive where we begin and to know the place for the first time.†T. S. Eliot To Ann whose love and support has brought out the best in me. And, to our girls Mary, Rachel, and Tor-Tor for the joy and pride they give me. Finally, to my muse, Neil, for the faith and inspiration he instills. E.W.L Preface Since you
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Art Appreciation Romare Bearden Free Essays
Therefore there is a rose in the painting as well I believe that is symbolizes the young lady worth. It appears someone was giving her a rose to make her feel better. The angel that appears in the painting symbolizes comfort, patience, protection, understanding, and others. We will write a custom essay sample on Art Appreciation: Romare Bearden or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bearden painting symbolizes that the African American struggles were not a Joke. In those times it symbolizes that it was still racism going on ith our culture. We were losing our Jobs, because we had people fighting for our rights, girls that were at the age of twelve had to quit school because they had to help out in their homes. This painting symbolizes a lot of things that was going on in the early and late 1960’s. As I said once before that the angel was there for many reasons as in comfort for the struggle, protection from the pain and destruction, understanding that there will be better times, and Jobs. Romare Bearden, Rocket to the Moon, 1971 to me is my favorite painting. It is really a collage fragments build a scene of quiet despair and stoic perservance. You can see in the painting that the rocket is headed to moon; however, while urban life below remains punctuated by a red stop-light. The definition of Stoic is an ancient Greek school of philosophy that asserted that happiness can only be achieved by accepting life’s up and downs. In this painting you have a lot of things that symbolizes the African American culture. The black cat represents the black panthers that were a group of an organization ith people who were fghting back for the black people. The picture of Martin Luther King Jr. symbolizes that he was involved in the Civil Rights Movement and he was an activist for the NAACP. I believe that this whole picture symbolizes the Harlem Renaissance that was going on in Harlem, New York. The Harlem Renaissance involves Langston Hughes, the different types of music, different type of dances, and different type of visual arts too. The Harlem Renaissance has brought African American to Justice to say we have something we can abide to. I believe that the red ight symbolizes to stop the violence and stop the racism. I believe that the green light symbolizes to let’s look at situations in a ditterent way than what the way we see them. Bearden makes an ironic statement, placing that we as African American has accomplished and still are making history every day. Bearden use a great visual statement placing America’s accomplishments in space alongside the stalled social and economic progress of many urban areas. As I come to my conclusion, Bearden use his visual art to describe the past, present, and future. He symbolizes that in Prevalence of Ritual, Tidings, 1967, there was an angel to protect and comfort the young lady through whatever her case was. The rose symbolizes that she has a destiny and a worth. The present symbolizes that we have angels that surrounds us every day. We as women have rights and have a destiny that can be fulfilled if we Just hold fast to our dreams. The future reference is to hope for better days, we have rights to do such as vote, and to visual art to is extinct to express who we are , our success, and where we come from. How to cite Art Appreciation: Romare Bearden, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Dramatic impact Essay Example For Students
Dramatic impact Essay The play I am studying is called The Inspector Calls. In this essay I will assess the dramatic impact of the inspector in the play with reference to one other character in the play. The Inspector Calls was written in 1945 but set in 1912. This means that the audience has insight into the future. For example when Mr Birling states The Titanic-she sails this week-forty-six thousand eight hundred tons-forty six thousand eight hundred tons- New York in five days-and every luxury-and unsinkable. In this situation the audience would be feeling rather smug because they know that the Titanic does sink. Priestly was aiming to show that everybody in the society should be responsible for their own actions instead of just thinking of themselves. He also shows that people should be treated with the same respect whoever they are. Lastly Priestly tries to make people think about their place in society and the effects of their actions. This is revealed as Priestly takes each character in turn and explains to them and the family how their actions have affected Eva Smith. We will write a custom essay on Dramatic impact specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Before the Inspector arrived the well off family, The Birlings, who wrongly believe they are better than other families, were having a party to celebrate their daughter Sheilas engagement to a man called Gerald Croft who was also very well off. Everyone appeared extremely happy and all of them friendly to each other like a family. Then the Inspector entered. The lighting changes from pink and intimate to brighter and harder. The effect of this is that the audience becomes aware that a more sinister atmosphere is approaching and also increases the temper and emotions in the characters. Also making the play more watch able for the audience. The Inspector immediately quietens the atmosphere. By doing this he makes the mood of the celebration tense. He does this by singling out one person personally and asking the questions he imposed specifically to them. He is described as a not very big man. However he also states that he creates a massiveness, solidarity and purposefulness. Priestly also describes him by saying that he speaks carefully, weightily and has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he addresss before speaking. There is an air of menace about him, unlike the other characters in the play. He is single minded in pursuing his chosen line of investigation. He is so certain about his facts that he unsettles the audience because they can tell that there is something strange about him. When the Inspector is around nobody challenges his version of events. This is because he speaks with a lot of authority so nobody questions him and immediately thinks he is right. However the other characters question these facts after he has left. The Inspector is extremely confident when speaking. This conveys to the audience that he is more powerful than the other people in the house. Furthermore it makes him seem strange and suspicious to the audience. This is because he seems to know everything the family is going to say before they say it. Also, he does not really uncover the truth, he already knows it. He only uncovers it for the characters benefit. This makes him not like a real police inspector because they uncover the truth creating tension. The Inspector acts like a narrator in the play. He tells the story at his own pace. The Inspector links separate incidents into one coherent life story. He often supplies dates or fills in back ground. This adds to the tension because the audience does not know where and from whom the Inspector got the dates and the character background information. .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e , .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .postImageUrl , .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e , .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:hover , .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:visited , .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:active { border:0!important; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:active , .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf251f2424a98411f6358e025964f696e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: An Inspector Calls Report EssayHe undermines that the characters complacent assumption that they are decent citizens. Each character finds this a devastating experience. The characters that resist telling the Inspector the truth suffer more than people who are open with him. For example the Inspector says to Gerald . if youre easy with me, Im easy with you. He makes no judgement upon Gerald and also tries to stop Sheila from blaming herself too much. However he begins to loose patience with Mr Birling. For instance Dont stammer and yammer at me again, man. Im losing patience with you people He is an enigmatic figure. We never learn his first name causing the audience to wonder who he really is. He neither changes nor develops, but frequently repeats, I havent much time. This creates tension because the audience do not know why he has so little time. Inspector Gooles name is a pun on ghoul a malevolent spirit or ghost. He could be seen as some kind of spirit, sent on behalf of the dead girl to torment the consciences of the characters in the play, or as a sort of policeman conducting an inquiry as a preliminary to the Day of Judgement, or even as a for warming of things to come. This adds to the tension because the audience does not know who the Inspector is. Priestly did not want to tell the audience who the Inspector really is. To reveal his identity as a hoaxer or some kind of spirit would have spoilt the unresolved tension that is so effective at the end of the play. The Inspector behaves as the voice of social conscience. For example You see, we have to share something. If theres nothing else, well have to share our guilt. He is a socialist meaning that he believes that everyone should share. The character I am studying is called Eric and he is Mr Birlings son. Eric is characterised as half shy, half assertive. At the beginning of the play he did not know what his parents were really like and at the end of the play he did not like their real personalities. He conveys the difference between young men and older men. This is shown when Eric does not catch onto the jokes Mr Birling and Gerald share. For example in Act one when the Inspector rings the doorbell, Gerald and Mr Birling shares a joke and Eric says, Here what do you mean? and when he realises it was a joke he says Well, I dont think its very funny. This shows the difference in age between the three and also makes Eric seem very young like hes being treated like a young child. When Eric says Here, what. he does not share the joke again between Mr Birling and Gerald. He attracts attention, and then suspicion, by his evident alarm at the news of the Inspectors visit. This makes the audience think that Eric could be hiding something. Eric arouses curiosity with his sudden guffaw in Act one. This may mean that Eric knows something about Gerald that the others do not because Sheila has just been scolding Gerald for not seeing her over the summer because of his work.
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